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Relax Tonic

Relax Tonic

Heart Tonic


Actions: A herbal tonicaimed at clearing residual head and chest phlegm, boosting the immune system and clearing the mind, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra.



Yuan Zhi, Huang Lian, Mei Gui Hua, Jin Yin Hua. Housed in medical grade alcohol.


Chinese medicin Tonic


The objective of taking a chinese medicine tonic is to achieve balance within your body. Just like taking pills, powder or cooking up raw herbs it is just another method. 


The Method: - Chinese hebal medicine is placed in pure alcohol for up to 6 weeks, tended to with love and care. Then strained and bottled up to assist you.


Jemima, has carefully crafted each formula. Tonic's are easy to take. A little goes a long way, up to 10 drops once to twice a day can help you to re-establish balance.



  • General wellbeing: 10 drops in water as required.
  • For re-balance: 10 drops in water, twice daily.
  • For acute episodes: 10 drops in water 3-4 times a day.
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